Monday, July 20, 2009

Cinta n Sayang


heheh... i just got back from d Cinta Sayang Golf n Country Resort for a four days course there. it was fun being there. the course i'm attending is about Higher Education Professional for us young lecturers. so, lecturer from the northern part of the country including UiTM, USM, Med. College n also Polytech joined the course.

it has been fun couse i'd meet up with new friends n upgrade my network with some of them. i also meet up with some old frens including Helmi from degree. i thought he'd gained some weight after marriage hehe yeah really. meet some new frens from UiTM penang, usm n polytech... hope to still keep in touch later eih. i also enjoyed the food hehehe...for someone who enjoy eating like me, staying in a hotel is really awesome hehehe...because from the buffet table,i can almost took anything that i can eat hehe...really enjoyable. we also had a simple bbq on saturday night.

that's why i'd gained some weight back then huhuhu
the thing about eating is that u REALLY SHOULD ENJOY IT WHILE U CAN!!!!
so...bon apetite!!!


Anonymous said...

tq wish besday tu check out aku nyer blog ek ...ada pesanan untuk ko kat situ

ann said...

haha...dah cek dh ur blog...hmmm xabes-abes ngan miaw-miaw busuk ko tu eh haha

Anonymous said...

miauw miauw wangi lar . kalau ko bau dia mesti nak bau lg..aku ni dah ter-addict bau dia...huhuhuhu

ann said...

iye ke ...xda makne ny aku nk bau miaw2 ko tu..nti kang xlalu makan lak seminggu hoho