I actually didn’t have any ideas to write anything to this blog today. So I’ll end up writing about d thing that really annoys me today. Yep… as mentioned, it has something to do with BLUE… not blues k
I wanted to upload some pics from my new hphone to my laptop but the Bluetooth connection seemed to have problem. The thing is that they both managed to bond (yep…this is the term used by my hphone) but failed to perform data exchange task. I dunno what d problem is… Do u???
And yes d problem does not come from my hphone… although I’m not a tech savvy person I’m positive about that since I’ve oredy transferred some pics to my lil sis laptop… with no prob at all. So I concluded that the prob came from the Bluetooth port (read:very cheap) that I brought earlier.
Actually I’ve used the Bluetooth port with my olde hphone and they connected perfectly… so where’s d prob NOW??? I’ve oredy tried to configure it many time but none works out. Really hampeh…

dis is d olde reliable (hpon lamaku) nape aku tkr dia ngan yg br...
charger dia udah blow-up time aku ngah jwb kol sambil mengecas hpon...
hehe seb baek xbuta mataku
Waatdehek… I’ll buy a USB wire next huhu...so... bye for now n... kite minum dulu

an.. aku x setia ngn SE sbb org2 sme x setia ngn aku.. hahaha.. Aku ade sajesion utk setelkan mslh ko nie.. ape kate ko bli jek Nokia.. kpem ley gna gigibiru ko tu.. hahahahaha...
anie..xbley la tkr..menda dh terlanjur haha (cam pe jer)lgpn aku xnak mkhianati sonyE..akukan setia orgnye hehe...betui x???
gigibiru aku tu mmg kompom nk kne campak dlm tong sampah...gerammmmm
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