It has been quite a long TIME since I’ve written something in this blog. I’ve got a couple of stuffs which I really like to share here but never had the time and convenience to sit in front of my laptop and pour those ideas in ms word. Hehehe I’ve run quite HECTIC lifestyles lately. Due to my WORKLOADS etc. etc. … I’ve oways came home late everyday and ate disorderly these few weeks.

aku dlu xdela sampe tetido time exam eh
(read:xsempat pon hehe)
Well the thing is now in UITM IS EXAMINATION WEEKS. Thus, besides having to clear all the student’s assignments+tests+quizzes+project reports and viva, we also had to be the exam INVIGILATOR (read: pak guard for students during exam … duhh). The MOST BORING time ever. U just sits there and does nothing…watch them whether they are trying to copy answers from their friends’ n see that they had everything that they need… Well… at least I now know how MY LECTURERS must have felt while invigilating my exams. Hehehe… it’s a dull and boring works.
UITM also hires some KIDS (read:remaja pas SPM o jobless yet…) to help us lecturers monitor d exams n I HATE them (read:some of them only) coz they are LAZY N NOT COMMITTED in monitoring the exams. I saw them texting n some of them even have the nerve to chitchats (read:gatai nk berkapel lak time tu) in front of the students. Excuse me..go somewhere else please kalo nk berchentaa pon
I remembered during MY TIME taking exam, I’ve oways preferred sitting up front… my reason is soo simple, I just don’t like watching others writing their answers. I’ll DEVIATE my attention hehe. I also like to bring in SWEETS N MINERAL WATER cos they’ll help me calm down or if I’ve oredy finished with my answers…they’ll lessen my boredom..
aku mmg ske gegula..bkn bapak gula2 eh
Well wutever it is, the exam weeks are almost over now n I can see students starting to GO BACK HOME huhu watching them carrying their AF BAGS make me miss my home. I’ll be back on Aidil Adha mum…so for now I’ll stop blabbering here..Adios amigos n GOOD LUCK to my students lols..
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