Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Respecting others

When you are making decision for someone, and other people are actually should consult those involved parties..this is common sense and as a way you are showing that you respect them. 

Sometimes, you already know what should be done or what to choose..but it's always a good manner to consult the other, not that you'll listen to their advice but just in a formal way of informing them.

Where, in Islam we have the musyawarah concept;
based on definition by
Musyawarah artinya membicarakan suatu masalah bersama-sama untuk mendapatkan kesepakatan. Berbagai hal yang menyangkut kepentingan orang banyak dapat dimusyawarahkan misalnya pemilihan ketua kelas, tujuan bertamasya, rencana membangun jalan, dan lain-lain.

based on definition by
1. pembahasan bersama dng maksud mencapai keputusan atas penyelesaian masalah; perundingan; perembukan 
ber·mu·sya·wa·rah v berunding; berembuk: semua pihak bersedia -; me·mu·sya·wa·rah·kan v merundingkan; memufakatkan: kita - persoalan itu kembali supaya tidak lagi terjadi pertentangan

okay, that's all. i'm just saying ;)

plus...everyone is entitled to their own opinion 
(credit to Bleach)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

kau ade facebook???

Sapa ade akaun facebook???.. angkat tangan

if the question were to be asked to the general public, surely people of all ages...including school children..teachers...grandma n even grandpa also have it.. betul lah

compared to my time, young adults nowadays are more exposed to the digital world and less to the real world.

They damage their eyes for hours spent in front of the telly @ pc @ notebook @ netbook @ tablet pc
They sweat less... preserve more calories and fat inside them
They surf the net freely... causing moral damage for being exposed to free immoral content of the net...expose themselves to pedophiles...uses foul languages...uses very irritating acronyms to words...etc...etc..etc
They actively update their status on facebook which make it similar to their diary...owh man... among all of the very bad side being all expose to the net...this is the worse..especially status like these...

"today i cut my hair..then go to eat tutty frutti ice cream" --- > lame..who care??
"i accidentally step on the ants...owhh how sinful" --- > plastic nyeeeee
"sooo happy someone cared about me..since i'm calon lah..i'm lonely..bla..bla..bla" --- > okay this is just pathetic...get a life okay

To those who did the above..ever heard of the word PRIVACY
Go get yourself a decent friend...someone who actually care..okay bye 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Puji Puji-An

Selamat malam laling (panggilan yang kekna suka panggil aku hihi). Ye saya tulis yang ini time waktu malam ketika nonton My Kitchen's Rule (channel 702 asteruk).

Tengok cite orang lawan hidangan sapa paling sedap n kita kena komen n rate hidangan orang lain. Ade yang puji n ade pulak yang sangat negatif. Pasal dengki rasanye.

Semalam pulak boss puji aku. Puji yang amat berlebihan. Aku rasa tak sedap badan n nak muntah sampai petang okey.Full stop.

 Pic 1 : Kelihatan bos cuba nak refill tangki petrol tapi gagal
lokasi - Pulau Tuba


Friday, June 1, 2012

Ape citer

Last skali blog nih dihupdate ialah pada WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 2011... dah setaun kot

Wahlaweii giler lama xhapdate blog (bajet ade orang bace padahal besawang la haha)... Tulahh akibat suka no ngikut orang..maksudnye dolu siti ade blog aku pon sebok la jugak nak membelog..kekonon rajin la kan haha

Kawan membelog pon tengok dah lama xhapdet (especially cik kuntum, apecer dia eh?? ehehe)

Just recently i've discovered that i'm also interested in photography..makanya letakla beberapa pics events yg menarik lately k

Pic 1: Mengeteh ngan member2...tempat bese p adelah kedai pakcik bulu haha
ini aktiviti bese-bese je tapi wajb buat each weekend

Pic 2: Ke Sedim, Kedah tuk program teambuilding student degree
kelihatan erina main peekaboo ngan aku

Pic 3: Tree Top Walk at Kedah also
dah pegi 2 kali tapi still gayatKelihatan kaki budak babam sekali

Pic 4: Taman Negara Wang Burma, Kedah aktiviti team building staff UiTM
gamba ni time aktiviti map reading..turun 5 kilo time tu bjalan huhu
yg ni best pasal ade menembak skali woh

Pic 5: Balai polis ye mak jemah lepas abes test engine 1
pegi buat report kecurian 12 org students hilang purse+hphone 
sebab tinggalkan luo dewan lama (yang kayu tu)
Jam di tanga menunjukkan pukul 3 am ye mak jemah
Bertapa "mesra"+"cepat"+betul-nye polisi, datang wat report kul 11pm, tapi jam 3 am xabes lagi
time pegi tu memang bukan kami je..berkoyan-koyang lagi ramainye manusia malam tu suka p balai
(mata ke atas, tangan kat dada...)

Pic 6: Ke UUM Sintok amek IELTS exam baru-baru nih 
result dapat Band 7 huhu..honestly, amat bersyukur pada Allah atas semua tu
walau aku bukan hamba Allah yang tiptop tapi Dia xpenah surut dengan rahmatnya

Pic 7: Masjid Kristal time visit Terengganu
ni 1st time g sana, memang menarik tapi aku agak keciwa..
pasal xdapat jumpe zizan <3 hehe
tapi maybe aku xsanggup jadi orang sana ler, journey amek masa 8jam kot huuuii

Pic 8: Lokasi penggambaran klip para-para sakura 
(ala yg aaron kwok menari tahpepe tu...tau ke?)
okey tipu..kat Langkawi je hehe...sila abaikan model xberbayar tu eh
time p kursus Qinsy, trained by non other Mr Ed Ensem @ Eddy Junaidy, kawan lama yang baik

Pic 9: Kat UiTM di hatiku ti join IID 2012 UiTM Perlis
kelihatan poster n booth 2 drpd projek yang dihanto
1 dapat gold medal+ best poster
1 dapat bronze

Pic 10: Ke Pulau Tuba buat kerja consultation tuk UiTM
objektif nak sediakan list tanah terlibat ngan proses land acquisition n prepare PA
naik bukit turun bukit le jugak bos punye pasal
kelihatan 3 si gorgeous baru abes ngukur pehtu sebok posing

Pic 11: Ke Cheras time my bro kawen
ni menantu first dalam famili...muda pulak tu dari aku even dia pangkat kak ipar huhu
excited nak dapat anak sdara hehe

okehla..penatle menghapload gamba..lagi nak edit pulak..takat ni jelah adenye (bajet belog femes n ade orang mau tengok haha)

Gamba sume was taken by myself n guna my samsung corby punya camera aje..feeling-feeling ala fotographer tuk national geographic bagai hihih (rase dah cantik sangat le tu hehe)