I would always feel lost when i'm out of things to be done.
I'm trying to be as productive as i can be by trying to revise the notes for my lecture for the next semester...yup..How boring that could be??
Later i tried to finish my research...while trying to think of the next one i should do...any idea?? hehe
When u are bored..u tend to go out with your friends ... Right??
Last weekend i went outing with Khairy n Fazly...they are both my colleague...really liked them both...thus while talking to Dura, she asked me whether i have special kind of feelings towards both Khairy n Fazly..HAHAHA giler ape...Khairy tu tunang orang n Fazly tu 3 years younger than me lah HEHE
Fazly is super NICE...but the thing is when i befriend with anyone...i really just regard them as my friend..if they are that cool..they'll ended up being my good friend or my best friend...that goes to u too Deli HAHA
Afterwards..i felt quite guilty bringing Fazly along...rasa cam menitikkan ink pada baju putih pulak hehe... sebab dia x biasa main bowling n tengok cite cam POTC yg kiteorg tengok aritu HUHU
masa nak mula main sampe merah2 muka dia hehe
ye spelling nama aku fullname...sume thanks pada si baru main Fazly... taip nama penuh plak
budak yg main kat sblh asik usha je hehe..
kin dorg ingat aku perak sket pasal letak nama penuh..xpon pasal Fazly comel sangat hehe
Betapa baiknya Fazly, when i befriend with him...i tend to want to be a GOOD PERSON also..setting myself back to my track...to the right direction...FOR THAT I'M REALLY GRATEFULL to ALLAH SWT
"Ya ALLAH the almighty...forgive me for all my sins...set me to the right direction...please grant me n my family happiness in my life here n hereafter...Amin"
1 comment:
Eh bila nama deli tu appear macam tu je. Mahu menangis dia baca blog ne. :p
So how the progess chean ???? (Benda y sebelum ne ko citer)
Maybe ko Setting demand tu tinggi sangat. like " Bila ko tengok gula-gula dari jauh, Ko rasa nak sangat gula-gula tu. Mesti sedapkan dapat gula-gula tu. Tapi hakikatnya bila ko dah dapat gula-gula tu , ko rasa gula-gula tu biasa sangat dan terlalu manis sangat "
Tapi kita manusia bukan gula-gula. Lebih baik mencuba dan memberi peluang dari hanya duduk dan tidak melakukan apa2. Betul tak ???
Eh, aku lak " cik yang mudah sangat jatuh cinta dan menjadi cinta yang dalam" ne pulak sebuk2 kan.
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