Thursday, September 2, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya

relating today's post to 'budak- budak ini' yes..they are my so called anak2 (read: hello..i marry not!) baik hheee. Seriously i thought them as my lil bro cos they're a nice NICE bunch of teenagers. Plus..they are also smart..really SMART.

We've also nicknamed each one of :
1. Luqman - Baikkk...memang baik amat budaknye..sangat suka mengusik..1st time ngaja i thought he's a quiet one...a little later..xdamaknenyeee..luqman's typical parting words to me..."assalamualaikum cik an...cik an jgn lupa solat ye"
2. Amri - Hem..cos he's considering himself as d handsome one amongst them haha...he's actually yang paling budak among them...amri's typical parting words to me .."cik an kalo ada org bagi gula2 jgn amek tau"
3. Syafiq - Emo..cos he really is quite emotional haha..nampak garang tapi sangat sensitip..n i just found out he really did'nt like me comparing him with Iwan. Tapi dia anak paling comel saya rasa hehe..syafiq's typical parting words..."cik an, mintak gula2"..aduiyaiiii (- -")
4. Iwan - Ustaz..hehe cos dia sangat pious ... always being the calm one n d one who is more reasonable..but quite clumsy n careless...SERIOUSLY
5. Din - Cool...cos he's d coolest one n d quiet one amongst them..but he's smart. It was kinda hard to figure out what type of person he is cos he always goes along with his frens
6. Muhaimi - d Weird hehe..sorry min..but u really are weird (but in a good way of course)...he is really hard to figure...quite emotional..quite childish..but a good kiddo and a smart one
7. Ojai - o d Weirdest One... ojai is ojai (really can't describe him) agak selow sikit n agak skema bangat kata orang Melayu hehe.. ohoo..i know why...coz dia anak manja i quess. but all in all is a nice boy

Q: why am i writing about them???
A: i just got a hari raya card from them haha

in which includes 'engatan!!' from them to me

jangan main mercun
jgn garang2!!
jgn muram2!!
jgn nakal2!!
tlong mak ayah
pose 6 ari d bulan syawal
bawak kete ati ek!!
n last but not least....jangan tinggal solat!!


n those 'engatan' goes to u too k..


Anonymous said...

muah muah.
Selamat Hari Raya Cik ann .
minta maaf zahir batin .
Rindu Banget pada u tau.

moral of the story : skang dah leh bukak kedai gula2.

honey bunny said...

so sweet r student ko.. kem salam yg kat paling ensem eak.. hahahha.. ckp Anie kem salam (jgn sebut AKAK, coz aku kan lebih kurang same age jek ngn dorg.. :p)

ann said...

cik t..selamat hari raya t..n mintak maaf gak semua salah silap aku pada ko sepanjang kita bersahabat ye..

iya..iyaloh..akupon ridu ngan ko..nti hari raya jejemput mai umah buruk aku nti eh hehe

cik xseswai mau panggil ko akak tau...d exact word might be AUNTY jgn marah..nanti batal pose

aku xdpt decide yg mana palin ensem..sbb budak2 neh suma aku suke so consider sume aku rasa sangat ensem haha bleh gitu??

honey bunny said...

ann.. yg ptg aku lg mude dr ko.. :p