Salam all
I think that it has been quite a while since I’ve written anything in this silly blog (read:tu lah org de blog kop n nk beblog gak huhu) n recently I noticed that I oways start my writing this way. Heheh maybe I’m too busy with my work lately…yap seriously
My students are going to have their final exam soon, so now is the time to:
- Brainwash them (read:I could use bleach to some of them … degil betuiii tp aku mmg pakar membebel haha)
- Finish marking all their project reports, quizzes n assignments (read: maleh nk mark awai2…tula pasai)
- Struggle to prepare last test question n answer scheme (read: ko baik no p offer diri nak wat apasal huhu)
- Struggle to display student’s carry marks (read: letak nama bg diaorang seda sket hehe)
- Check on their project as if it was my research (read:lect lebih dr stdnt aduiyai)
So today I sat in my office doing all the above (read:bape bnyk yg dicapai… 50% jer kot) when my part 2 student, Ijat came knocking on d door … “miss an… we had a problem this n that….” So being a commited lecturer I came to their rescue (read:benanye xtahan siann kat student hehe…baik x???).
Then back to d office… then there goes the knocking again, dis time was Amri n Luqman (read:2 of my fave stdnt hehe…siyes baik n pandai) “miss an… kami mai nk amek barang yg tumpang td” …”okeh..okeh.. come in” then the held something to me, a packet of bakeries n dutch lady strawberry falvoured milk “miss an x mkn lg eh…ni kami bwk bekal tuk miss…iklasss” hehe I was like sooo terharu even though it was just a packet of bakeries huhuhuhu but I could not accept it, at first la (read:x sampai ati nk amek brg dr stdnt…tau diaorg xkije lg…tp muka memasing sangat iklass so lg x sampe ati kalo x amek)
lect yg suke sangat membebel n teharu
I remembered when it was me being the student n doing the same for my lecturers… that must be how it felt for them (sangat warm loh hehe)
Then … back to my work again.
Really wish I could just relax n catch up with my readings…

Okeh.. see ya later
wey ann, aku rase student ko tu nk bodek bagi carry mark tinggi.. jaga2 cik salmah.. hahahaha.. (ko terer membebel??? cam x caye jek)
hehe aku rase dak2 tu dh xyah bodek...sbb carry mark dorg mmg tinggi siyes budak2 baik material seswai tuk wat anak menantu haha(bkn cam aku)
owhhh ko jgn xtau..bakat membebel aku dah makin teselah skangni (rekod dlm 40 minutes ho)
ah...bodek ngan susu strawberry ...peh..nasib baek tak bg strawberry cH kan cikk ann....
t..lama xdga kaba brite eh..tu ah slalu org llaki suka pikir typically..ingat kite sume suke stroberi nih
tp bler budak2 yg kite ske bg...menda xske pon leh jadi >>> "OWHHHHHH how do u know i REALLY2 LOVE this" haha
kah kah kah..biasalah tu ...kalau lecturer tu tak suka dia awab mcm ne
" letaklah situ dulu , nnti saya kasi amah makan ...." hahahahah ...ko tak kejam kan...
hehe t..aku mmg xkijam..kalo bdk yg aku xske, dia br je kat muka pintu aku dh tny "haaa...ade ape?..tunggu jap" hehe xkasi masuk pon hahahahahaha....baik x aku
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