Friday, April 30, 2010

Adventure at Sungai Sedim, Kulim Kedah (Part 1)

Adventure Activities Promotion

Ahoooyyy!!!! well as promised, i'm promoting a very exciting+adventurous+fun+extreme activities at Sungai Sedim that i went with my fellow colleague n students. So here goes:

Before i show the pics, to those of u who didn't have any idea where this place is, it is situated in Kedah and "the frothy fast flowing rapids at Sedim River Recreation Park near Karangan, 30km
from Kulim, is a great eco-tourism draw for stressed-out minds and tired bodies" (adapted from

** If u want to experience the adventures, i suggest that u take grouped package with frens or family. It cost about RM 150 per person.

Among the exciting activities available includes (with d price):

hehe credit to Hussin (student) coz he's d one providing me with these very nice pics

BBQ - a must be done xtvt,
seen in d pic me trying to bodek Amri into giving me 1 of d bbq chicken haha
Water Tubing- Float along d river on a tube;
if u notice i never takes off my watch during all d activities

River Rafting - raft along d wild river;
a very tiring but extremely fun activity.. notice me in d green circle hehe
d instructor for Mai's group (in red circle) seriously look like Adam AF
i actually was quite scared during dis xtvt...almost fell off d raft haha
Starting point - we paddled about 8km thru sg. sedim..Okehh.. in dis pic we r not trying to paddle from inside d raft...but what happen is when d instructor shouted BOOM!!!
everyone must sit tightly inside d raft if u don't want to fall off d raft
(hargai nyawa anda...denga ckp instruktor eh)
dan masa tengah rafting tu kitaorang sume sentiasa alert bler instruktor jerit BOOM!!! je trus dok dalam n pegang tali cam nyawa bergantung padanye huhu
Water Confidence 2 - Jump down d river...
i was scared to jump n ended almost hit d stone
(read:ketaq lutut sbb gayat pd tmpt tinggi..patut kene lompat ke tengah kat X tu haha)
Jungle Trekking - Daylight jungle trekking..
very recommended to nature lover...(tp pd hari kejadian mlm sblumnye ujan...
so d track was very slippery...sangat scary kerna perlu lalu cerun2 bukit huhu)
River Trekking - part of d path is along sedim river
air sangat sejuk n pacat sangat banyak...seriously...kena gigit pada lebih 7 tempat hehe
Quite tiring coz d track is long+slippery+sloping
n there are trees with sharp thorns along d way
me n my watch again..hehe
Beautiful Scenery - Dis beautiful scene can be seen from d Tree Top Walk
Tree Top Walk - Really is on d top of d trees...
seen in d pics(red arrow) are not monkeys...but my students la hehe
Tree Top Walk Sungai Sedim - Sangat panjang n merangkumi 2 daerah iaitu Baling n Kulim... naik ni jer dah lalu 2 daerah weh hehe
Night Jungle Trekking - d night we arrived, we were taken along d night track
(sangat takut kerna dibawa ke cerun2 bukit...jalan pon dah mem"khinzir" buta haha)
during night trekking... time nih la pacat mengganas...naik ke pinggang huhu
Team lect yang mengiring n lebih excitednye dr student hehe
tapak khemah kitaorang

Alrite... dis is all i got today (read: sangat penat mengupload pics bebanyak eh) for my entry adventure in Sungai Sedim Part 1
wanting to start marking d student exam now hehe mode rajin sudah mari
later i'll upload more pics with diff xtvt na...still at SUNGAI SEDIM

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

TAGged by Cik Anie

aL Kisahnye

hi ya...i'll make this entry as short n as simple as possible. Always in my prev posts i just wanna write short but will ended up being quite long (demm..asal ko ske tulis meleret2..)

This post is written since i was tagged by my lovely fren anie...d 8th pic in d 8th folder goes to 2 pics. I'll explain why... coz i've divided my picture folder to 2 (1 from my phone n d other from my camera)

soo.. d 8th pic from my phone goes to this one:

this picture was taken while i was waiting my sis na n co (my eldest bro) ate at
RnR in Perak (sori dun rmember which RnR). I saw these sweets in 1 of the stall
n capture dis pics. The cashier looked at me as if saying:
(oiiiitt... amek2 gamba je ke?? bli la weh hehehe)
then bler aku wat bodo tarik kuar kedai sbb dah malu aku asik snap pics jer ;p

Alrite..d next pic is from my camera folder:

taken during raya last year... well my house always become the 1 yg kne serbu hehe
in dis pic are my sis na, acik min, mum, mak usu n angah..
the hand holding d cam belongs to my pak usu. d story is that acik(my mom's younger bro)
has never visited us for quite a while (read: sejak aku darjah 6 kot..)
till now kerna dia telah salah paham pada my mom n d other aunties.
he stayed in KL n never visited d village at all since my grandma died.
although his son n daughter turned out ok (a doc n a lawyer)
he still holds grudge against his step siblings (my aunties) n still have some issues till now
(read: owh so drama melayu kisahnyeee...)

so... that is all i got to share

Friday, April 9, 2010

StRAWberry milk

Salam all

I think that it has been quite a while since I’ve written anything in this silly blog (read:tu lah org de blog kop n nk beblog gak huhu) n recently I noticed that I oways start my writing this way. Heheh maybe I’m too busy with my work lately…yap seriously

My students are going to have their final exam soon, so now is the time to:

  1. Brainwash them (read:I could use bleach to some of them … degil betuiii tp aku mmg pakar membebel haha)
  2. Finish marking all their project reports, quizzes n assignments (read: maleh nk mark awai2…tula pasai)
  3. Struggle to prepare last test question n answer scheme (read: ko baik no p offer diri nak wat apasal huhu)
  4. Struggle to display student’s carry marks (read: letak nama bg diaorang seda sket hehe)
  5. Check on their project as if it was my research (read:lect lebih dr stdnt aduiyai)

So today I sat in my office doing all the above (read:bape bnyk yg dicapai… 50% jer kot) when my part 2 student, Ijat came knocking on d door … “miss an… we had a problem this n that….” So being a commited lecturer I came to their rescue (read:benanye xtahan siann kat student hehe…baik x???).

Then back to d office… then there goes the knocking again, dis time was Amri n Luqman (read:2 of my fave stdnt hehe…siyes baik n pandai) “miss an… kami mai nk amek barang yg tumpang td” …”okeh..okeh.. come in” then the held something to me, a packet of bakeries n dutch lady strawberry falvoured milk “miss an x mkn lg eh…ni kami bwk bekal tuk miss…iklasss” hehe I was like sooo terharu even though it was just a packet of bakeries huhuhuhu but I could not accept it, at first la (read:x sampai ati nk amek brg dr stdnt…tau diaorg xkije lg…tp muka memasing sangat iklass so lg x sampe ati kalo x amek)

lect yg suke sangat membebel n teharu

I remembered when it was me being the student n doing the same for my lecturers… that must be how it felt for them (sangat warm loh hehe)

Then … back to my work again.

Really wish I could just relax n catch up with my readings…

courtesy of BookXcess.. find dis books n give to me can?? hehe

Okeh.. see ya later