Sunday, January 10, 2010

7 January

‘We turn not older with years, but newer every day’

- Emily Dickinson-

pics aku yg excited for small simple gift with wholehearted thanks from my students

Many years back..this was the date I was born in this word (lol…I’ve unintentionally started my post like a preschoolers essay…lols). I’ve wanted to post this post to my blog since d 7th January but never had d convenience to do so… So it was my birthday… There’s a saying that goes…’A year older is a year wiser’ well…I do hope I’m wiser than my previous self. I did lots (YEP..i really mean it) of thinking lately…I’m trying to figure out things I’ve done all my life n what I’ve achieved so far..

Well.. I remembered I used to told my teacher that I someday wanted to become a lecturer (haha jangan tetipu..i only said that just coz I liked the sound of it..LECTURER kool right???) well ALLAH blessing… I’ve managed to achieve that ambition. So now I’ll have to figure out something else that I wanted to achieve in my life…

Study… I’m planning to further my study up to d next level..n hopefully before I reach 30 haha…

Parents…I’m hoping to send them to the holy MECCA, may ALLAH SWT bless this one because I really hope to make them as HAPPY as I can

Career wise … let just say that I’m required to finish some research this year haha..if not..ALLAH bless me =3… n I’ll be less mean to my students hahaha…lols

Bro n Sis… I’ll try to make them happy also… =3

A car… hopefully I’ll pass my driving test n able to get hold of a driving license n a decent car..if u noticed, I’ve placed a pics of my dream car on d sidebar…see nice eh??

Lovelife… maybe..just maybe ( I’ll hook-up with some nice guy this year haha but if there’s a person who can present n GIVE me a brand new, shiny VW NEW BEETLE…I’ll surely want to marry him on d spot haha (read:perasan xhengat..adeke org nk bg ko eh haha)

So… there goes my checklist this year..hopefully all of them can be crossed same time, same date next year =3

In d mean time, read what others have to say about those who were born on 7th of

------------------------------------~~d date~~-----------------------------------

Lucky Color:


Personality Strengths:

Love, Compassion

Personality Weakness(es):


Successful Career Path:


Sense of Humor Style:


Adjectives to Describe You:

daring, enterprising

A hip non-conformist who truly stands for his/her beliefs - you are out to make a difference in this world, and you have a realistic chance of success. You have always been self-driven and derive your inspiration from those close to you. Ambitious - and why shouldn't you be - the sky is the limit for you!

----------------------------------~~our number~~-----------------------------


Dilahirkan sebagai diplomat.

Mereka selalu memikirkan dan peka terhadap keperluan dan perasaan orang lain sebelum mengambil kira dirinya sendiri.

Secara semulajadi sangat analitikal dan suka mengikut gerak hati.

Mereka tidak suka bersendirian.

Persahabatan adalah penting buat mereka dan berupaya mendorong mereka untuk berjaya di dalam hidup; tetapi mereka sanggup untuk bersendirian jika hubungan yang terjalin itu tidak serasi.

Golongan ini secara semulajadi adalah pemalu, mereka patut belajar untuk meningkatkan nilai kendiri (self esteem) dan meluahkan perasaan secara terbuka tanpa berselindung.

Golongan terkenal yang mempunyai nombor lahir 2: President Bill Clinton, Madonna, Whoppi Goldberg, Thomas Edison,Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

------------------------------------~~our color~~---------------------------------
> January 2nd ~ January 11th = Orange

You are responsible for your own actions, and you know how to treat people. You always have goals you look towards, and are competitive. When it comes to friendships, you find it hard to trust someone, but once you find the right friend, you trust them forever.


honey bunny said...

elo my belove fren.. epy besday again.. harap2 tcapai sume impian ko.. n aku harap kte akan kawan sampai ble2... GUE SAYANG BANGAT SAMA LU.. muahhs..muahhs.. xoxo

ann said...

aku quote smla ape yg aku tulis d atas "When it comes to friendships, you find it hard to trust someone, but once you find the right friend, you trust them forever." ko my best fren =3 (best lebih sikit dr shaha sbnanye =))