Sunday, June 27, 2010
Kepala Pusing
Friday, June 25, 2010
“Hidup Adalah Diantara Pertengahan Antara Pahit Dan Manis
Jika Pahit Selalu Kita Merasa Rawan, Jika Manis Selalu Kita Merasa Bosan”
-HAMKA, Pujangga Islam-
Bila dah kija nih baru kita merasa macam-macam problem n jumpa orang yang pelbagai ragam
kita belajar menjadi dewasa..hehe...
bila ada kerja dan sibuk saya rasa gembira sebaliknya bila tiada kerja (read: no student) saya rasa sangat bosan, sunyi n xguna huhu..bila nak balik anak-anak saya???(read: since when u’re so attached to ur student???) haha sebenarnya rasa sangat sunyi bila Nani pon takda di rumah kerana kena p kursus induksi 3 minggu. Saya telah bercoti panjang d kampung Gajah, Perak selama 1 minggu n ditinggalkan adik beradik d Arau semula lepas tu.. sangat sedih bila ditinggalkan A.L.O.N.E
Saya sangat bosan n susah ati hingga turun berat badan huhuhu
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
have a very good day n good night, beautiful
Wouldn't it be nice to hear someone say these words to u once in a while…heheh but mom oways says na-night ling hehehe
Okay…enough…I’m writing today coz I’m bored n would like to write about one of my fave writer…yeah guys n gurls…I like reading very…very…seriously very much. So…Introducing…d one n only DOROTHY KOOMSON.

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Her 1st novel that I read was My Best Friend’s Girl…got me all hooked up like JK Rowling’s Harry Potter series. What I like about her writings is that it is very straightforward writings and she could really portray the feelings each of the character in her novel so that readers could imagine the situation in which the characters are in. The covers for each book are also nicely selected. Besides that, I love her selection of words used in the novel… such as…
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“I’m not gorgeous…I’m Tiga” – My Best Friend’s Girl
“Double promise forever n ever” – My Best Friend’s Girl

The next novel from her that I love is Marshmallow For Breakfast. Doesn’t u just love the title also??? The latest one is Goodnight Beautiful.

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Well… I definitely am hoping during this semester break I could get hold of a good book as a good read. Anyone kind enough to buy me my fave novelists latest releases???
Perhaps… Goodnight Beautiful (^ _ ^)
Okay then… have a really good day n good night… beautiful
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